Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter to all. I was able to call and talk to my family today. Bill and I had a quiet Easter, went to Church and had a quiet dinner just the two of us. Our traditional Easter meal of ham, scalloped potatoes, green bean caserole, and fruit salad.

Did not even go down to my sewing room today, looked at a couple of quilting magazines. Even sent an e-mail to Quiltmaker editor a photo of a bed quilt I made using a pattern from their magazine, who knows maybe they will show it. It was a variation of the South Shore Road quilt, I needed it to be bedsize so I ad to change the pattern a bit. It is fairly like the original, I made the pelican but ended up not using it on the quilt, but did use it on another project -- cannot even remember what it was used on. I will try to post the photo here that I sent to Quiltmaker.

1 comment:

Micki said...

I couldn't see the pic of the quilt, but I hope that they publish it in the magazine. You must be thrilled. I am now a follower of your blog, and I throughly enjoyed reading the posts with a nice cup of coffee. So glad that you enjoyed my blog too.